Healthy is the
new slim
Why is it that even at a young age we notice that our body is changing? We lose roughly one per cent of muscle mass from the age of 30, if we don’t actively counteract with sport. The fat percentage, on the other hand, increases. The pointer on the scales slowly but constantly starts to creep up by the age of 40 at the latest. One, two kilos more per year are not unusual. And this adds up. Depending on the genetic disposition, the metabolism slows down by up to 15 per cent, energy consumption drops and body composition changes… and the pointer on the scales moves up and up if you don’t do anyhting about it in good time and in the long-term. Weight gain doesn’t just put a strain on your body, organs and joints but also on your mind and well-being. Which is why weight loss has been more than just an aspired side effect of a visit to Rickatschwende for decades.
Rediscover yourself
Anyone who has mastered the art of living takes a bit of everything, but always just the best.